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About the Rankings

Interstride’s University Rankings show the top 170+ universities in the U.S. based on international student outcomes: employability.

You’re making an important investment in your education. Choosing the right program and institution that fits who you are and what you want is key. What comes after school is equally important: career outcomes. We’re here to help you identify schools that are supporting international students like you to achieve your dreams.

Why Rankings

With hundreds of great universities and programs in the U.S. to choose from, you may have relied on rankings to research schools. Traditional rankings often have opaque methodologies, subjective metrics, and indicators that have little to do with your classroom experience and outcomes as an international student. This university is the “best” or that university is “better” – but what is best for you?

This is where Interstride University Rankings come in. We use rankings to highlight universities that are attracting, retaining, and supporting international students in finding employment in the U.S. You can easily find the methodology and sources we used. There are many important factors to consider when choosing a school and program. By highlighting career outcomes, we want to make sure you have access to information to make an informed decision that is best for you.  

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Inteside ranking university Inteside ranking university Inteside ranking university Inteside ranking university

What we hope to achieve

We’re here to help you learn about different schools, access information on important factors like career outcomes, and start a new conversation about how universities and students measure success.

What we hope to achieve

A new lens to find the right school for you

Employability is top of mind for international applicants when choosing programs and institutions, but that information is hard to find. We found indicators to help you filter for positive career and employability outcomes in the U.S.

What we hope to achieve

Empower students and universities with insights

We organize public data to make important information on career outcomes actually accessible to everyone. With clear data, students are empowered to design their own criteria and make informed decisions about universities. Universities can use these insights to measure and inform their support of international students.

What we hope to achieve

Start a conversation on outcomes that matter

What are international students looking for in their education, and how do they want to be supported? Employability is a top consideration for international applicants and students. There is a huge opportunity to rethink how we offer support and measure success for international students.