Is Studying in the U.S. Worth it? | Interstride Skip to content
Is Studying in the U.S. Worth it?

Is Studying in the U.S. Worth it?


Is Studying in the U.S. Worth it?

There was a time when the U.S. education experience spoke for itself. Why wouldn’t you want to study in the U.S.?

But times have changed. Today’s international student has more options than ever when it comes to studying overseas. With the knowledge economy, employers often value skills over a diploma’s pedigree, and students are also wising up to that evolution. When it came to “value,” some students might think the U.S. comes up short, especially when it comes to jobs and career pathways.

At Interstride, we pride ourselves on keeping a finger on the pulse of what international students are thinking. Through this groundbreaking, survey-based research report, we capture student sentiment — about their goals, their university career centers, even their confidence – during a critical post-pandemic period. The better we understand the international students, the better we can do our jobs.

Highlights from the report include:

  • Why international students choose to study in the U.S.
  • Perceptions of their career centers
  • Challenges in the job search process
  • Perception of the value of a U.S. education
About the author
Anna Esaki-Smith is Co-Founder of Education Rethink, a global research consultancy that provides advice on international strategies to higher education institutions, private companies, and governmental organizations. Anna specializes in helping universities develop and maximize their global outreach activities including international student recruitment, partnership development, content creation, and global branding. She is also a contributor to, covering education and workforce trends. She previously worked at UC Berkeley, the British Council, and EF Education First, and has been based in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Paris, and currently in New York.
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